Providing powerful video delivery solutions, from video subscriptions to scheduled publishing and member systems -
What file formats can I upload?

(507) 382-2054 |

What can I Upload?

What is Video Encoding?

Encoding is the process where we translate the file you uploaded into an online compatible file. This means you only have to worry about uploading your video once and we’ll encode it as whatever formats you need. Mobile, HD, Streaming it’s to make your life simpler.

Video Formats

*.wmv, *.avi, *.mov, *.mpg, *.mpeg, *.mp4, *.3gp, *.asf, *.avi, *.flv, *.m4a, *.m4v, *.wma, *.mts, *.mkv, *.webm, *.ogv, *.mxf, *.vob

Audio Formats

*.au, *.mp3, *.wav, *.ogg, *.wma

Image Formats

*.jpg, *.jpeg, *.jpe, *.gif, *.png, *.bmp, *.tif, *.tiff, *.tga

Document Formats

*.doc, *.docx, *.pdf, *.xls, *.odp, *.ods, *.ppt, *.rtf, *.txt, *.psd, *.zip, *.gz, *.tar

Can You Do Custom Encoding?

Yes! We love setting up custom encoding profiles in case our standard collection doesn’t meet your need. We’ll even meet with you to go over your needs and help you plan out the best profile for your content delivery needs.