Providing powerful video delivery solutions, from video subscriptions to scheduled publishing and member systems -
Video Ads

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Bizideo Video & HTML Ads

Need an ad that helps spread your message or brand? Want to be able to update your ad at any time? You can with the Bizideo Website Wizard using our powerful embed tool. Just as you can create a video website or video mobile site you can make ads. It may sound far stretched but it’s not, the same you add images and video to your website is the same way you can create an ad.

So how do I make an ad?

In your Wizard go to your “Embed View” tab, this view doesn’t appear when you publish a page however it is visible in an embed code when you are done. As you build just make sure you keep your entire final mini page the size of the ad you want to fit in. Then go up to the top Embed Tab and nab your code.