Providing powerful video delivery solutions, from video subscriptions to scheduled publishing and member systems -
Bizideo Video Website Solution Support Center

(507) 382-2054 |

Frequently Asked Wizard Templates

How much is a template?

Your template use is included in the cost of your Bizideo Wizard account. As long as that template isn’t purchased for exclusive rights you have access to it and other templates.

What is included in a template?

A template doesn’t limit your Wizard account; you can still add items and pages not included in the template. That being said what is included in a template depends on the designer who submitted it. Many include several desktop pages and several mobile pages, however each template is different.

Can I buy the rights to a template?

Yes, purchasing the right to a template means that we will pull it from our library so no new users can use the template and you will be the last to have access to it.

Can I get a custom template?

Bizideo can design, and build your website in the Wizard. This design will be unique and will not be available in the Template Gallery. We will build the first 5 desktop pages and first 5 mobile pages for you as well as train you on how to update your website. The cost for a custom website design, implementation of the first 5 desktop and 5 mobile pages and search engine optimization help is $3,000.

Can you populate my template for me?

Bizideo can help you get started faster by populating a website template of your choice with your logo, content, images, video and more. Once we’ve populated your template for you we’ll hand back over the controls and introduce you to your new site! We will help you with the first 5 pages of your desktop website as well as the first 5 pages of your mobile site. The cost for populating an existing template is $500 and does not include changing the template but placing your items in it for you and the training.